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Telus Technical Support Team Solutions are your 1st Choice

Telus Technical Support Team Solutions are your 1st Choice when you need fast help

Telus Technical Support is something everyone who uses Telus services of any kind is going to need one day. But in today’s fast-paced world, not all support teams are the same.

How many times have you had to call Support for XYZ Company, only to spend many frustrating hours trying to fix what you had thought was a simple problem – perhaps one you thought you could probably figure out yourself – but you thought Support would be faster? 

It’s sad but true; not all Support platforms are equal. 

But let me back up a bit. Are you aware that few companies have their own support teams anymore?

Here’s the shocking truth. According to an article in Forbes, “73% of tech companies have integrated teams of freelancers and employees.” Many of today’s technical support teams are not actually employees of the companies they do support work for, and a growing number do support work for multiple companies. 

In an increasingly competitive world with skyrocketing human resource costs, many companies are scrambling to find effective cost-cutting measures. But at the same time, as I recently read in an article on Ranstad, “Customers have high expectations and limited patience, so companies must be prepared to deliver fast, flexible, individualized service. In response, businesses employ AI-driven chatbots and social media tools to offer rapid answers.”

But how helpful are AI chatbots and social media tools? Most people I talk to – the vast majority – really hate AI chatbots and have had little luck getting a timely and needed response on social media. In my own experience, any question an AI-driven chatbot can answer for me is a question I already know the answer to!

I have always found the only good support to be real, human support. But the problem with human support is that it isn’t all the same. Again, most companies are now using outside companies and freelancers to take care of support for them. Not all support teams are alike. This is certainly true with Telus technical support. 

I have been a Telus customer since BC Tel merged with them in 1998 and was a BC Tel customer for twenty years prior to that. I have had to make many calls to Telus technical support over the years for everything from landline service to cell service, to internet service. Many of those calls were very long and my problems often took many calls to resolve.

Like so many other companies now working via an online presence, they also use AI chatbots. I will be the first to admit that I don’t know everything. However, I have always found their pages slow, difficult, and frustrating to navigate. Many times I have tried following their steps, only to have to start over again on a different link. And you can’t simply ask a question on their Chat – even though it is only AI-powered, you must sign in or create an account before you can ask even a simple question.

If there’s one thing that can be said more often about contacting support and actually getting help, it’s that it can be a long and frustrating experience. This certainly has been my experience with Telus technical support.

A Better Option?

You might have thought that the only option for Telus technical support is directly through their own website. But as we’ve already seen, most companies now “farm out” or hire outside support specialists. In fact, I often will ask a tech specialist where in the world they are located. It is very rare to discover they are even in the same country!

Quick IT Help, Canada offers third-party personal Telus technical support with services for all Telus-related issues. If you’re like us and wishing there was a better Telus customer service company in Canada, Quick IT Help might be exactly what you’ve been looking for.

Will Quick IT Help work for me?

There are any number of Telus-related issues for which Quick IT Help can provide timely and useful solutions. Here are just a few.

Telus Service Outages

There are times when the Telus service network you subscribe to is interrupted. This is likely the number one issue faced by Telus users. You might be right in the middle of downloading a major Operating System (OS) upgrade when you suddenly have no service. Or right in the middle of an important call the call drops and you can’t reconnect.

In fact, Telus offers many services including landlines, cellular phone service, internet, and television. Telus has received a lot of positive reviews from its customers over the years, including myself. As someone looking for a reliable service, you could be forgiven for thinking you won’t have any problems with a Telus service. However, just a quick glance at their own Customer Forum, you’ll discover they have a lot of issues every day.

When you have to deal with a Telus service outage, you need a Telus technical support team that can quickly provide you with the right solution.  Quick IT Help is a competent Telus technical support company that can help you get back up and running again, quickly. 

Telus Router Issues

The internet routers provided by  Telus can often cause problems. Your router is the device used to provide wireless connections. If your router isn’t functioning correctly, you’ll find it difficult, if not impossible to access the internet. When your Telus internet connection is faltering or stopped completely due to router issues, you need a knowledgeable Telus technical support team to get you back online. 

Telus router issues can be can be caused by a number of different factors but what really matters to you is that they all cause connectivity issues.  Quick IT Help is a Canadian company that knows how to quickly diagnose and solve router issues. They specialize in all forms of Telus-related issues. Because their support team is made up of highly skilled technicians, they are able to solve your problems quickly.

Telus TV Remotes

How often have you settled in to watch a favourite program on TV only to discover your Telus remote is completely unresponsive? Perhaps you’ve even tried replacing the batteries, all to no avail. 

This is another service offered by Quick IT Help that they are quite proud of – and they should be since they’re so good at solving such issues quickly!



Great Reviews

Telus technical support is something most Telus users are going to need at some time or other. Quick IT Help has great reviews from happy users and is a great alternative to the often tedious process most Telus users are familiar with. Be sure to add them to your short list of who to call when you need tech support!

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