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Colors of Life

Colors of Life, thanks to a share by some professional painters on StumbledUpon

Colors of life are the visual flavors that produce or are produced by the mood of those perceiving them.  Colors put the pop into life.  Colors add life to life!  That’s why you feel happier on a bright, spring day when there’s so much color everywhere.  Black and white, or fifty shades of grey just colors of lifedon’t cut it.

Colors of life add life to your world.  Color choices in your space are so important!  Screaming lime green isn’t going to help you relax.  A nice soft, pastel green, on the other hand, simply caresses you with tranquility.

But did you know that the right shade of green can also make the bedroom more exciting before you drift off to blissful unconsciousness?  Yep.  That’s what the science says.

Of course, red also encourages intensity and passion.  However, before painting your bedroom red, you should know it also stimulates the appetite…  You might want to think carefully about that one.


What effect does color have on business?  You might be surprised.  Savvy companies have been using color for years to improve sales.  Others have found that productivity has markedly increased with a change in color.  Could their really be a link?

There has long been convincing evidence that color has a powerful on people.  The image is an infographic shared by the that demonstrate the colors to consider for every room in your house.

When trying to make your work space more productive, have you thought of how colour could play an important role?  Check it out!


Courtesy of Painters of Louisville

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