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Andrea and her used iPhones wholesale business

Tips to Promote Your Used iPhones Wholesale Business

So you have settled on a reliable supplier, and as a result, your used iPhones wholesale business is now operational. Finding a marketing plan that can help your company expand is now necessary. Whether you are a wholesaler or a retailer will determine how you should sell your company. Of course, in both scenarios, you’ll need…

SDS NRI Township Resale Plots Yamuna Expressway

Presenting one of the largest & most strategically located residential townships of this region “SDS NRI Township” launched by SDS Infracon Private Limited.   SDS NRI Township, Yamuna Expressway is located at the intersection point of the Eastern Peripheral Expressway connecting Kundli- Ghaziabad-Palwal. SDS NRI Township, Yamuna Expressway is being developed on plot No. TS-1,…

Phony Review Sites Hurt Legitimate Businesses

Phoney Review Sites – #1 Ways Not to Get Burned!

Phoney Review Sites – Don’t get burned or scammed by them!

Phoney review sites hurt a lot of people. If the headline got your attention, let us know in the comments!  Perhaps you’ve had an unfortunate experience with one of these sites, yourself.  Let us know and help us all.

The problem with phoney – aka fake –  review sites is twofold.

First, they directly harm legitimate businesses.

Secondly, they leave people wondering who they can trust.

How do phoney review sites work?Phoney review sites

Let’s take a look at how phoney review sites work, as opposed to sites that legitimately rate and rank the trustworthiness of online businesses.

What I refer to as “phoney review sites” are sites that let anyone offer a review without any checks and balances. They may have been created with a desire to help consumers and legitimate businesses, but without checks and balances in place, including monitoring and a dedicated support system, they will rapidly descend to the level of a place where people with an ax to grind destroy good people and businesses.  They become little more than “sleight of hand,” a trick used, often maliciously, to skew the real value of a website or business.Phoney Review Sites – #1 Ways Not to Get Burned!

Autoresponders Automate Advertising

Autoresponders Automate Advertising. Okay… but what are they and how do I use them?

Autoresponders automate advertising.  Were you aware of that?  That is a fact that could make a huge difference to your online business, while freeing up a lot of time you may have been spending doing what they do.

What is an autoresponder?  The simple definition is:  An autoresponder is a tool that automatically sends out email messages according to the parameters programmed into it.

Autoresponders automate advertising

Don’t be afraid

If the description sounds a little technical, fear not. Unless you’re a die-hard techie with lots of time, you’ll use an autoresponder system that’s already set up. The simplest one you’ll ever use is the one that comes with your email program.

While you can use it to send ads to everyone who emails you (which is a terrible idea), it would normally be used to acknowledge receipt of a message when you’re not there to read or answer it (commonly called a Vacation Response).

All you do is type in the message you want to be sent out, save it, and you’re done. Once you turn it on, it sends out your message to anyone who sends an email to you at that address.Autoresponders Automate Advertising

ways to make money from website

5 Top Ways to Make Money from a Website Starting Today

5 Top Ways to Make Money from a Website Starting Today.

Here are the 5 top ways to make money from a website you can start using immediately.  These will earn you revenue day after day after day.  All work 24 hours a day, even when you’re sleeping.

Disclosure:  This page contains affiliate links.  These are links to money makers we use ourselves.

Even Fiverr keeps working for you!  Wake up in the morning and check for fresh orders.  Fiverr gets the exposure you need.ways to make money from a website

1. Fiverr

  1. Fiverr is right at the top of the 5 top ways to make money from a website.  This is a top income earner, even for those who have never made money online. It is the most successful of all the freelance platforms. This is likely because it is so simple to get started, and they do the advertising for you.
  2. Did you know that you have skills that you can provide in digital format?  If you’re reading this, you almost certainly do!  This is why I first started using Fiverr and why I am now very happy to included it at the very top of the best ways to make money from a website.
  3. Whatever your skills are, there are people out there who will gladly pay you for them.  If you’ve been scouring the Internet for ways to make money from a website, this may be the first place to start.
  4. Sign up is free and it’s easy in just a few minutes.  Take a little time and look around the site for ideas.  Do some brainstorming.  You will probably be very pleasantly surprised to see how many ways you can start earning.  I’ve personally earned some great income on Fiverr.
  5. Register for a free affiliate account, too!  You can earn a nice passive income that way.

5 Top Ways to Make Money from a Website Starting Today

Ad Network Scams – 3 Eye-Opening Reasons they Don’t Work

Ad Network Schemes – 3 Eye-Opening Reasons why Ad Networks don’t work

Ad network schemes are everywhere. While not necessarily illegal, how ethical are they? When something is advertised as being extremely cost-effective and effective as an advertising tool, should it not deliver? Well, first of all, they are shady at best, and secondly, they can get you in a lot of trouble. Finally, like any such scheme, the only people they work for are the ones who set them up and a few choice friends.

What is an ad network? Simply put, it is a system, designed in much the same format as a network marketing program or worse, a pyramid scheme or ponzi. They are sketchy in their legality, barely sneaking under the radar, if they do at all, mainly because they aren’t directly charging or promising money.Ad Network Scams pyramid scheme

The similarities are very strong in every other way. They promise that if you join their HUGE network, you will be able to advertise your wares, service or business opportunity to thousands upon thousands of people.Ad Network Scams – 3 Eye-Opening Reasons they Don’t Work

Customer support – you Can get 1st Class Help with patience!

Customer Support – yes, you CAN get 1st class help with patience!

Customer Support
Photo by Olha Ruskykh from Pexels

Customer support can be pretty maddening when you need help, especially if you have a “situation” going.  Has this ever happened to you?

Here’s my experience. This is actually very typical when dealing with customer support with many companies.  

Today… I finally got a Customer Support Manager. Have you ever had a tough time trying to get help from the support people?  Yep.  From many companies, you’ve probably noticed it can be a bit frustrating.  Or maybe a lot frustrating.  Are you feeling it?

Be patient! Here’s exactly how it works. I can tell you this from many years of experience dealing with customer support for MY customers. Plus, I’ve also been seated in the Customer Support chair. I understand what they go through, too.  Have you worked in this position?  It can be pretty thankless!

Customer Support is a crazy busy job. I Customer support – you Can get 1st Class Help with patience!

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