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High Bounce Rate?

High Bounce Rate? 9 Common Things to Beat for a Big Win

High Bounce Rate?  Have you figured out why? 9 common reasons why that will help your web design strategy

High bounce rate websites are not necessarily boring.  But a high bounce rate can be very worrisome.

First, let’s define bounce rate. Your site’s bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who leave your website (called a “bounce”) when they return to the search results or referring website after viewing just one page.  And in fact, the SEO experts at Rocketfuel claim that’s not quite accurate.  That puts them somewhat at odds with Google, but is that even a bad thing?

high bounce rate In a wide sampling taken by Rocketfuel, they found the average bounce rate varied wildly between 26 and 70 percent.  That’s pretty wild!

So what does that mean?

The key thing that you need to know about the bounce rate is it’s the percentage of people visiting your site who probably didn’t find what they were looking for.

That, in itself, isn’t a terrible thing, unless the number gets too high, like maybe above high average.  In other words, above 70 percent.Read More »High Bounce Rate? 9 Common Things to Beat for a Big Win

wearing gems

Gemstones are Beautiful to Behold and a Great 21st Century Investment

Gemstones are Beautiful to Behold and a Great 21st Century Investment

Gemstones are beautiful to behold.  They have always been sought out for their visual impact and pleasurable experience.gemstones

Kings, queens, and other royalty have for centuries collected gems of every size, color, and description for their private fortune and public display.

Private citizens have worn and given gemstones to those they love or want to impress for as long as human beings have walked the planet.  A beautifully cut and mounted gem is a wonderful enhancement for jewelry such as necklaces, earrings, bracelets and rings.

Gemstones for Love

Read More »Gemstones are Beautiful to Behold and a Great 21st Century Investment

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