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Year End is a time to reflect

Year End in the 21st Century

Year End – a time to take stock

Year end.  Do those words send a chill down your spine?  Tell us about them, below!  If so, you’re not alone.

Year end is a time of renewal for many.  It’s a time when the old year is drawing to a close, and the new year is arriving with all the promises of a clean slate. Year End in the 21st Century

vacation time beach

Vacation Time

Vacation Time – When You NEED a Break, Take it!

Vacation time is often put off because of goals, commitments, and just plain forgetting what living is all about.  It’s easy to get into a rut of just making money or building your business.  But you have to remember that life is uncertain.  Someone is going to spend that money, but if you never take a break, it might not be you.

I remember, a few years ago, talking to a family member on a drop by, door knock visit.  That’s all he had time for – to drop by, knock on my door, and visit for a few minutes at the door.  He couldn’t come in.  He had to get a lot of things done so he could get back to his business in the oil patch, far away from home. Vacation Time

I mentioned to him that he should take a break and take some real vacation time. He said he’d like to, but he was too busy.  Have you been caught in this trap?  What did you do?Vacation Time

ways to make money from website

5 Top Ways to Make Money from a Website Starting Today

5 Top Ways to Make Money from a Website Starting Today.

Here are the 5 top ways to make money from a website you can start using immediately.  These will earn you revenue day after day after day.  All work 24 hours a day, even when you’re sleeping.

Disclosure:  This page contains affiliate links.  These are links to money makers we use ourselves.

Even Fiverr keeps working for you!  Wake up in the morning and check for fresh orders.  Fiverr gets the exposure you need.ways to make money from a website

1. Fiverr

  1. Fiverr is right at the top of the 5 top ways to make money from a website.  This is a top income earner, even for those who have never made money online. It is the most successful of all the freelance platforms. This is likely because it is so simple to get started, and they do the advertising for you.
  2. Did you know that you have skills that you can provide in digital format?  If you’re reading this, you almost certainly do!  This is why I first started using Fiverr and why I am now very happy to included it at the very top of the best ways to make money from a website.
  3. Whatever your skills are, there are people out there who will gladly pay you for them.  If you’ve been scouring the Internet for ways to make money from a website, this may be the first place to start.
  4. Sign up is free and it’s easy in just a few minutes.  Take a little time and look around the site for ideas.  Do some brainstorming.  You will probably be very pleasantly surprised to see how many ways you can start earning.  I’ve personally earned some great income on Fiverr.
  5. Register for a free affiliate account, too!  You can earn a nice passive income that way.

5 Top Ways to Make Money from a Website Starting Today

Ad Network Scams – 3 Eye-Opening Reasons they Don’t Work

Ad Network Schemes – 3 Eye-Opening Reasons why Ad Networks don’t work

Ad network schemes are everywhere. While not necessarily illegal, how ethical are they? When something is advertised as being extremely cost-effective and effective as an advertising tool, should it not deliver? Well, first of all, they are shady at best, and secondly, they can get you in a lot of trouble. Finally, like any such scheme, the only people they work for are the ones who set them up and a few choice friends.

What is an ad network? Simply put, it is a system, designed in much the same format as a network marketing program or worse, a pyramid scheme or ponzi. They are sketchy in their legality, barely sneaking under the radar, if they do at all, mainly because they aren’t directly charging or promising money.Ad Network Scams pyramid scheme

The similarities are very strong in every other way. They promise that if you join their HUGE network, you will be able to advertise your wares, service or business opportunity to thousands upon thousands of people.Ad Network Scams – 3 Eye-Opening Reasons they Don’t Work

Customer support – you Can get 1st Class Help with patience!

Customer Support – yes, you CAN get 1st class help with patience!

Customer Support
Photo by Olha Ruskykh from Pexels

Customer support can be pretty maddening when you need help, especially if you have a “situation” going.  Has this ever happened to you?

Here’s my experience. This is actually very typical when dealing with customer support with many companies.  

Today… I finally got a Customer Support Manager. Have you ever had a tough time trying to get help from the support people?  Yep.  From many companies, you’ve probably noticed it can be a bit frustrating.  Or maybe a lot frustrating.  Are you feeling it?

Be patient! Here’s exactly how it works. I can tell you this from many years of experience dealing with customer support for MY customers. Plus, I’ve also been seated in the Customer Support chair. I understand what they go through, too.  Have you worked in this position?  It can be pretty thankless!

Customer Support is a crazy busy job. I Customer support – you Can get 1st Class Help with patience!

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