Phoney Review Sites – Don’t get burned or scammed by them!
Phoney review sites hurt a lot of people. If the headline got your attention, let us know in the comments! Perhaps you’ve had an unfortunate experience with one of these sites, yourself. Let us know and help us all.
The problem with phoney – aka fake – review sites is twofold.
First, they directly harm legitimate businesses.
Secondly, they leave people wondering who they can trust.
How do phoney review sites work?
Let’s take a look at how phoney review sites work, as opposed to sites that legitimately rate and rank the trustworthiness of online businesses.
What I refer to as “phoney review sites” are sites that let anyone offer a review without any checks and balances. They may have been created with a desire to help consumers and legitimate businesses, but without checks and balances in place, including monitoring and a dedicated support system, they will rapidly descend to the level of a place where people with an ax to grind destroy good people and businesses. They become little more than “sleight of hand,” a trick used, often maliciously, to skew the real value of a website or business.Read More »Phoney Review Sites – #1 Ways Not to Get Burned!